Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue) by Troy-Anthony Baylis, 2022

Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue) by Troy-Anthony Baylis

Troy-Anthony BAYLIS Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue) 2022, sliced and rewoven acrylic on linen, embroidery cotton, buttons. Courtesy of the artist.

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Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue) by Troy-Anthony Baylis, 2022.

This mixed media work is a new series of four heart shaped works for the artist, three of which are displayed on this wall. The work described measures 55 centimetres tall by 80 centimetres wide and is entitled Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue). Working from left to right is Two Hearts (Prince), followed by Two Hearts (Olivia Newton-John) and lastly Two Hearts (Kylie Minogue) situated on the far right and is the work described.

This work simultaneously displays 3 hearts with the first heart, showing on the left. The second heart appears to be layered on top, overlapping like in a Venn diagram and so that it is situated more so on the right. The third heart is on the top, centred directly in the middle. This heart is slightly smaller and is shown whole with the exterior formed by the larger hearts on the left- and right-hand sides.

The design is created by a weaving process whereby rewoven acrylic is passed under and over itself to produce a chequered pattern of evenly sized squares in two different colours, red and white. On the left-hand side of the work the heart is woven in a bright red and white pattern whereas on the far-right hand side the background heart is woven in alternating squares of hot pink and white. Where these two hearts meet, in the centre of the work a single heart shape is revealed made up of minute squares of red and hot pink with each combining to produce a singular heart formation held within the surface of the work, its beating heart. Embellishing the entire outline of the work is a fringe of red buttons, each with four holes sewn on to create the letter ‘X’ in the centre of each button, a sparkling border framing the two hearts as one.

Across the surface of the work is the text, 2 hearts are beating together I’m in love woo, the letters are lower case and the word “two” is shown as a number. The text is bold and rendered in black buttons, also sewn in to create the letter ‘X’ in the button centre or the sign of a kiss to complete a love letter, onto the surface of the work. The wording is lyrics from Kylie Minogue’s 2007 song release, ‘Two hearts.’

A self-described KYLIEminologist and DANIIminologist, Baylis has been collecting Kylie Minogue ephemera since the age of eleven, and referencing popular culture, art history and queer aesthetics across the breadth of their art making practice. The heart series is a tribute to the love song, heartache and a mixtape of song-lines and belonging the artist feels we can find through the uniquely human experience of music.