The sum of all things? Courtney Coombs
As a culmination of a three year PhD research project, Courtney Coombs' The sum of all things? explores the symbolic potential of materials, words and forms. Utilising various combinations and recontextualisations of found objects—most often domestic—Coombs resists making grand gestures to instead focus on presenting tentative forms that are filled with intensely personal, expansive and, at times, contradictory ideas.
Courtney would like to thank everyone who has provided invaluable feedback and assistance over the course of this three year project and in the lead up to this exhibition, including but not limited to: Courtney Pedersen, Daniel Mafe, Mark Webb, Charles Robb, Antoinette J. Citizen, Catherine Sagin, Kate Woodcroft, Rachael Haynes, Alice Lang, Grant Stevens, Channon Goodwin, Sarah Byrne, Timothy P. Kerr, Christopher Handran, Brooke Ferguson, Dhana Merritt, Stephen Russell, Artspace, the DIAGRAM crew, Vanessa Van Ooyen, Megan Williams, Blair Walkinshaw, Nigel Oram, Mike Riddle, Dustin Howearth, Finlay Coombs-Doyle, friends and family.
10 January 2012 - 12 February 2012