Illustration of lady and man sitting on a rug hugging each other

The churchie national emerging art prize

Past exhibition

the churchie national emerging art prize (‘the churchie’) has developed as one of Australia's ‘to watch’ prizes, promising a glimpse into the future of the nation’s contemporary art scene. Established in 1987, ‘the churchie’ is now 30 years old–the average age of its finalists. ‘the churchie’ is dedicated to supporting a new generation of artists with an annual non-acquisitive cash prize, an initiative of Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie).


Prize Winner: Pierre Mukeba
Special Commendation: Hayley Millar-Baker
Sam Whiteley Memorial Commendations: 
Abdul-Rahman Abdullah and Joy Ivill

Watch the Popsart interview with the winner and judges.

In 2017, QUT Art Museum took on the role of exhibition partner for the second year in a row. Throughout the exhibition process, artists worked closely with the exhibition curator to bring a selection of their works to the public. The prize aims to offer tangible support, nurturing and encouragement to a new cohort of emerging artists. This is particularly important, as like so many prizes, ‘the churchie’ has become embedded as a rite of passage for artists, as they move through their career to more substantial roles and opportunities, creating and innovating in this country and abroad.

Artists include: Abdul-Rahman ABDULLAH (WA), Kim Ah SAM (QLD), Gunjan AYLAWADI (NSW), Alexander BEECH (NSW), Georgina CUE (VIC), Farnaz DADFAR (VIC), Liss FENWICK (VIC), Graziela GUARDINO (NSW), Sam HOLT (NSW), Anna HORNE (SA), Beverley ILES (WA), Christine KO (QLD), Amber KOROLUK-STEPHENSON (TAS), Louis LIM (QLD), Joy IVILL (NSW), Rebecca MARSHALL (VIC), Merete MEGARRITY (QLD), Hayley MILLAR-BAKER (VIC), Olivia MORONEY (TAS), Pierre MUKEBA (SA), Yuria OKAMURA (VIC), Hannah QUINLIVAN (ACT), Anna Louise RICHARDSON (WA), Claire ROBERTSON (VIC), Aaron ROBINSON (VIC), Alexandra STANDEN (NSW), Anne STEVENS (SA), Adam STONE (VIC), Cyrus TANG (VIC), Hannah TOOHEY (NSW).


12 November 2017 - 17 December 2017