Sewn textile sculpture of a woman wearing a brightly coloured dress and feathers in her hair
Trudy INKAMALA 'Bird woman' 2018, woollen blanket, knitting wool, cotton, feathers, metal. QUT Art Collection, purchased 2018.

Collection Galleries


This selection of artworks from the QUT Art Collection invites us to reflect on the deep connection between materiality and our existence. The exhibition explores how materials, textures, and tangible matter shape our perceptions of ourselves and the world. In these works, physical form is integral to artistic expression, carrying ideas that span philosophical, political, social, environmental, emotional, and aesthetic dimensions.


The Collection Lab is an experimental space that adapts to the evolving needs of QUT’s teaching and learning initiatives, as well as those of the broader community. Offering a practical and dynamic environment, it supports object-based learning, emphasising the importance of art, creativity and critical thinking in education.

Audio descriptions

A selection of works have audio descriptions, which are vivid verbal descriptions that make visual information accessible for people who are blind or have low vision, and offer a new perspective for everyone.

Social story

The social story illustrates a visit to QUT Art Museum with information about what to expect. This tool is designed for use by visitors requiring support to navigate through the Museum and enjoy the experience.

Sensory map (PDF, 302 KB)

The sensory map shows visitors where to expect artworks with moving image and sound, and interactive displays. It also shows where to find quieter spaces, audio described artworks, and seating.

Virtual tour

Take an interactive virtual  tour of the exhibition from wherever you are in the world. Artwork labels are marked by teal tags, and audio descriptions are marked by orange tags.


29 October 2024 - 19 December 2025




See our Visit page for details