Current: Gail Mabo, Lisa Waup, Dominic White
Current features newly commissioned and recent work by three First Nations artists, Gail Mabo (Meriam), Lisa Waup (Gunditjmara/Torres Strait Islands), Dominic White (Palawa/Trawlwoolway).
Their work affirms their powerful connection to their lands, waters and ancestors. The exhibition highlights the three vital and contemporary multidisciplinary practices and references the movement in the passages of water along the eastern coast of Australia connecting land and people of the Torres Strait in the far north to Tasmania in the south.
Current: Gail Mabo, Lisa Waup, Dominic White is a McClelland touring exhibition. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program, the Besen Family Foundation, and the Gordon Darling Foundation.
A selection of works have audio descriptions, which are vivid verbal descriptions that make visual information accessible for people who are blind or have low vision, and offer a new perspective for everyone.
The social story illustrates a visit to QUT Art Museum with information about what to expect. This tool is designed for use by visitors requiring support to navigate through the Museum and enjoy the experience.
The sensory map shows visitors where to expect artworks with moving image and sound, and interactive displays. It also shows where to find quieter spaces, audio described artworks, and seating.
Take an interactive virtual tour of the exhibition from wherever you are in the world. Artwork labels are marked by teal tags, and audio descriptions are marked by orange tags.